When: Sep 17, 2022 08:00 PM Eastern Time
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Please join us for a talk by two Yale Law alumna and nonprofit co-founders, Julia Wang and Kathy Lu. After growing up without access to their own histories, or support for Asian American families, Julia and Kathy started a new organization called the Immigrant History Initiative to empower the next generation of Chinese American youth. During this presentation, they will share about their own journeys to becoming young Chinese American leaders and how they believe the next generation of Chinese American leaders can take control of their futures. To support the development of young leaders, they will introduce a new leadership program for families at Chinese schools across America. The Asian American Leadership Program gives both youth and parents an opportunity to learn Asian American history, engage in important conversations about race and Asian American issues, and lead their own community advocacy projects as the next generation of leaders. This program equips students with important public speaking and civic engagement skills, as well as demonstrates to colleges the type of self-initiative and community service that Asian American students are sometimes seen as lacking.

Julia Wang immigrated to the U.S. from China at age 9. As a child, Julia loved learning history but never saw stories about people like her and her family. She graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University with a bachelor’s degree in History and Economics. Julia received the prestigious Gates Scholarship to study and obtain her Masters in History at the University of Cambridge. After obtaining her degree at Cambridge, Julia received her Juris Doctorate from Yale Law School.

Kathy Lu is a second-generation Chinese American immigrant who grew up on the West Coast going to Chinese school every week. She graduated summa cum laude from Pomona College with a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Chinese. Kathy is passionate about public service and worked with local communities in Los Angeles Chinatown in education and community organizing. She received her Juris Doctorate from Yale Law School, where she led the Asian-Pacific American Law Students Association and sat as an editor for the Yale Law Journal. In addition to co-founding the Immigrant History Initiative, Kathy has worked as a human rights lawyer and has given numerous workshops and presentations on Asian American history and experiences for audiences at the Smithsonian, Harvard, and K-12 schools across the country.
全美中文学校协会近年来承办多次华裔历史讲座,积极致力于帮助更多的华裔家长和华裔二代了解华人在美国的历史和他们对美国所做出的贡献。近期,协会将联合Immigrant History Initiative (IHI)推出一项短期培训活动,旨在帮助华裔学生建立身份认同,提升公开演讲和公民参与的技巧,展示亚裔学生常常缺乏的自我倡议和社区服务能力。培训首先面向老师,以讲授华裔美国人的历史为起点,推动家庭领导力计划,支持年轻领袖的发展。
本次讲座由非盈利组织Immigrant History Initiative 联合创始人,毕业于耶律大学法学院的Julia和Kathy主讲。他们将介绍这项培训活动,分享自己成为年轻华裔领袖的历程,以及他们如何相信下一代华裔领袖能够掌控自己的未来。
讲座时间:2022年9月17日 周六 东部时间EST: 晚8:00 中部时间CST: 晚7:00 山地时间MST: 晚6:00 太平洋时间PST: 晚5:00
Julia Wang: 9 岁从中国移民到美国。Julia 从小喜欢学习历史,但从没有见过像她和她的家人这样经历的人的故事。她以优异的成绩毕业于哈佛大学,获得历史和经济学学士学位。Julia获得了著名的盖茨奖学金,在剑桥大学学习并获得历史硕士学位。在剑桥获得学位后,Julia 获得了耶鲁法学院的法学博士学位。
Kathy Lu 是第二代华裔美国移民,在西海岸长大,每周都去中文学校上学。她以优异的成绩毕业于波莫纳学院,获得国际关系和中文学士学位。 Kathy 对公共服务充满热情,并与洛杉矶唐人街的当地社区一起从事教育和社区组织工作。她在耶鲁法学院获得法学博士学位,在那里她领导了亚太裔美国法学生协会,并担任耶鲁法律杂志的编辑。除了共同创立移民历史倡议外,Kathy还担任过人权律师,并为全国史密森尼、哈佛和 K-12 学校的观众举办了许多关于亚裔美国人历史和经历的研讨会和演讲。