
CSAUS 全美青少年领导委员会 (NYLC) 成立

By reporter: Anna Wang

Did you hear? On March 18, 2023, the CSAUS National Youth Leadership Council (NYLC) officially launched.

But what is it? Good question. Proposed by Massachusetts natives, Ava Wang and Anna Wang with the support of CSAUS officials, NYLC is a council that pays attention to the growth of young generation, advocates diversity and inclusiveness. Their mission is to address issues ranging from small communities to global issues, while contributing to innovation society.

What about the starting steps? The first NYLC Network Meeting was officially held on March 18th via Zoom. The current council members come from around the nation, ranging from Ohio, Minnesota, Illinois and Massachusetts. At the meeting, Xiaopeng Ni, President of CSAUS, delivered an opening remarks. He congratulated the launch of the CSAUS National Youth Leadership Council and encouraged members to lead by example, by unlocking teamwork and valuing community engagement. Ben Xia, Vice President of CSAUS, reviewed the history of CSAUS and encouraged members to work hard together. Vice President Ben Xia and senior executive Jing Wan serve as advisors to NYLC. We sincerely hope that more young people will participate in and support NYLC’s mission and activities.

2023 年 3 月 18 日,CSAUS 全美青少年领导委员会 (NYLC) 正式成立。该委员会关注全美中文学校学生和其他青少年的成长,倡导多样化和包容性,引导和带领青少年, 关注小至社区, 大致全球的问题,鼓励青少年勇于发声,为社会做贡献。

NYLC的构想来自马萨诸塞州的王爱娃和王安娜。这个构图想受到CSAUS领导们的赞赏和支持。第一次NYLC网络会议于三月十八日正式召开。青少年领导委员会成员分别来自俄亥俄州、明尼苏达州、伊利诺伊州和马萨诸塞州。会议上,CSAUS会长倪晓鹏致开幕词。他祝贺 CSAUS 全美青少年领导委员会的成立,并鼓励成员们以身作则,开启团队合作和重视社区参与。CSAUS 的副会长夏铭回顾了协会的创建史,勉励成员们努力协作。夏铭副会长和资深高管万劲担任NYLC的顾问。我们热忱期望更多的青少年支持NYLC的使命,参加NYLC的活动。未来可期!