Zoom is temporarily lifting the 40-minute time limit on free Basic accounts for k-12 schools affected by the Coronavirus. Here’s how to get access for your school:
Step 1 自己先代表学校申请
- Sign up for a free Basic account using your school’s email address. 一定要用自己学校的 domain email 申请。https://zoom.us/signup
- 申请后几分钟或更长时间将会收到 email,you can search “activate your zoom account” 收到 email 后, 到你的 Zoom my profile, you will see green notice on top saying the 40 minutes limit is lifted temporarily, you are set.
Step 2 全校老师如何都取消 40 分限时
- 填写递交下面链接第二步的表格,通过后,学校每位老师使用学校 domain email 的就会都取消 40 分钟的限时。我们学校的经验、很快就批准了。每位老师 Zoom 账户 my profile 就会显示绿 色取消 40 分限时信息。
- Fill out the below information for your school to remove the 40 minute time limit for anyone on your school’s domain after verification. Personal email addresses such as Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook are not eligible.
- Open the link and complete step 2. 请用以下链接完成第二步的申请。 https://zoom.us/docs/ent/schoolverification.html?zcid=1231&_ga=2.228851412.995105639.1583699918- 735451631.1546545079